October 5; Cap and Gowns and More……..

By: Loralie Love

This Thursday, October 5, a series of events will be happening at the High School. I interviewed Mrs. Melissa Monte, the Academy Three Career Counselor in guidance to get more information about what will be happening on the 5th.  She told me that the sophomores and juniors will be in assigned classrooms from 8:15 to 11:30 am and they will be taking the PSAT’s. She mentions that both SAT’s and PSAT’s will be digital as “a movement of the future”. 

Now you might be wondering why we rake the PSAT’s, Mrs. Monte says that it was historically used to prepare kids for the actual SAT. She also says that when taking the SAT as a junior, you are automatically entered for the National Maret’s Scholar Award, “as a sophomore taking the PSAT, they’re getting ready for it. Getting used to the questions and maybe even studying for the SAT” Mrs. Monte describes the test as “practice” for the big exam. 

 As mentioned, October 5 is a big day for our school.  As the sophomores and juniors take the PSAT, the freshmen and seniors will have other activities to do. Mrs. Monte says that the freshmen will be having a guest speaker named Chris Novoa, owner of Cross-Fit in Honesdale. She describes the speaker to be more of a “self-care” speaker because of the topic he will be broaching. “He is going to be talking to the freshmen class about the importance of sleep. Giving them techniques to help them sleep and understanding that they might not always be getting the proper number of hours to be a good, in the moment, aware student.”

For the seniors, they will start their day in the cafeteria, having a senior breakfast as a class. After that, they will be getting fitted for their caps and gowns, while also filling out paperwork for graduation. After all of these events take place in the morning, each class will get the opportunity to attend a college fair held in the Main Gym. This event was brought together by the three career counselors, Mrs. Monte, Mrs. Sullum, and Mrs. McGinnis. There will be a total of 46 schools, including ROTC and military, at our Main Gym. 

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