Club Rundown — World Language Club

Written by Sadie Zagwoski,

In the World Language Club, members learn about different countries and their cultures every other week. A different country is selected each week to be focused on during their meetings. At meetings, members learn more about that country by trying new foods, listening to some of the language, and presenting videos and pictures. World Language Club meetings are held every other Tuesday in Señor Smith’s room, 263. If you would like to attend, you can sign up on the bulletin board in the short hallway around the corner from Señora Petrillo’s room, 267, near the faculty restrooms. Even if you did not get a chance to sign up, you are still welcome to attend! If you have any further questions, you may reach out to Señor Smith via email or stop by his room. 

​I interviewed Señor Smith, who has been the faculty advisor of the World Language Club for about seven years, to hear about his favorite part and upcoming events. Señor Smith said, “My favorite part is the food and getting to see and learn about places I never knew existed.” Señor Smith and the members are most looking forward to their end-of-year trip and their chocolate fundraiser. Proceeds from the fundraiser will go towards food to enjoy at meetings and to help fund the trip. Ifyou have an interest in learning about and discussing other cultures, the World Language Club is the perfect opportunity! You do not have to be studying another language to join, it is simply a fun environment to learn more about geography, architecture, and, of course, food!

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