The 2023 (left) and 2024 (right) HOSA state competitors!
By: Briana Blaszczyk
Wallenpaupack Area High School is lucky to provide our own HOSA chapter. It is now known as Future Health Professionals (formerly Health Occupations Students of America). HOSA is a “…student-led organization dedicated to helping students that are interested in healthcare careers develop essential skills, explore various health professions, and engage in community service!” Within this group, students can attend HOSA events or competitions where they “showcase their knowledge and skills in health sciences, leadership, and teamwork. Depending on the event, participants may engage in written tests, skill demonstrations, and portfolio presentations.” Students who choose to compete will start at the State Leadership Conference (SLC), and if they place in the top three, they will advance to the International Leadership Conference (ILC). The WAHS HOSA decision currently has a student body of:
President – Sam Urevich
Vice President – Logan LeMin
Secretary – Clara Babyak
Treasurer – Adria Malinchak
Historian – Kaci Hackett
Reporter – Lauren Peterman
And is made up more than 70 WAHS students! They are always looking for new members so if you are currently in or planning to pursue the Allied Health CTE, Exercise and Sports Medicine CTE, or are interested in a career in the medical or healthcare field, they highly recommend joining this club. A big thank you to Logan LeMin for the up-to-date HOSA information, and good luck to all HOSA participants in their future competitions!