Scholastics Team

By: Sadie Zagwoski

The Scholastics team is a club that participates in various trivia competitions. Team members compete with other schools. In competitions, a reader asks the questions, and the team who presses their buzzer first gets to answer and potentially earn points. Throughout the school year, team members compete in several quiz bowls. During meetings, the team practices for matches and sharpens their skills by answering various questions using a buzzer to get used to the dynamic of competitions. The team is looking forward to the NEIU Championship and potentially earning their fifth consecutive win.  

Meetings are held on most Thursdays after school in Mr. Neenan’s room, 231. The team does have a break in their season during late February and early March, but practices will resume in late March and April.

I interviewed Mr. Neenan, who has been the Scholastics team coach for fifteen years, to learn more about all that Scholastics has to offer and to share some of his experiences. Mr. Neenan’s favorite parts of advising Scholastics are learning new things and the rush of the competition. I also asked senior, Michael Soskil, a few questions about his time on the team. Micheal has been a member for three years and team captain for two years. “I absolutely loved every minute of it, because it is a lot of fun and it has given me a passion for reading and learning things I never thought I’d enjoy.” 

If you are interested in joining, you can reach out to Mr. Neenan or reference the bulletin board outside of his room. Scholastics is a wonderful opportunity to broaden your knowledge and get involved with our school! 

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