General Student Council

Written by Sadie Zagwoski

In the General Student Council, students plan and organize various school-based activities. Members volunteer to help with events of their choosing, and they don’t have to work with every event that the student council hosts. The General Student Council plans and decorates school dances, such as the homecoming dance and semi-formal dance. They also host each of our annual pep rallies, including the fall pep rally, which is a district-wide event. Each spring, they manage and organize the Blow Out Bash, which is a celebration of the concluding school year.There are various activities for students to enjoy as they have a chance to relax and socialize with friends before the summer.

Mrs. Ragonese, the faculty advisor for the Executive Council, advises the General Student Council as well. Each Executive Council member holds their position by running a campaign then being elected by the student body. If you are interested in organizing further student council events, you can contact Mrs. Ragonese. You can reach her by email or by visiting her room, 109. There is also a paper outside of her door with information on how to join the Student Council. All members remain in contact via Remind, which sends updates and necessary information regarding meetings.

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