Cross Country Wins Cluster

By: Bethany Day

On Wednesday, September 25, the Cross-Country team was challenged with one of the hardest races of the season. The Buckhorns faced their own cluster, which consisted of Honesdale and Delaware Valley. Not only did they have to face their own cluster, but they also faced Elk Lake, Montrose, Blue Ridge, and ST. Dominiks. Even though the weather was down pouring rain, the team was still in the game and did not give up. Both boys and girls won against all six schools! The boys’ scores were Delaware Valley 19-44, Honesdale 15-50, Montrose 23-36, Blue Ridge 19-44, and Elk Lake 24-37. The girls faced a related situation, Delaware Valley 23-32, Honsdale 19-36, Montrose 17-42, Blue Ridge 17-42, and Elk Lake 24-33. It was an amazing race, with many of the runners getting new personal records and getting better times than the last time they ran our home course. The Buckhorns are having an amazing season, and we cannot wait to see more of their meets this year.

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