Save Hamlet


With school back in session, WAHS players are back at it this year with

a new play “Save Hamlet”. “Save Hamlet” is a parody of “Hamlet,” a playwright written by William Shakespeare. It focuses on turning the tragedy into a comedy. In the play, a lot of the male characters are females in disguise, and they decide they’re going to stop Hamlet and the other characters from hurting each other. I had asked Mrs.Hoffman, the theater director and theater teacher, how she felt about “Save Hamlet.” “I think it’s really funny and very lighthearted. Also, for somebody who doesn’t know or get Shakespeare its helpful in understanding the plot of the actual Shakespeare show.” The show will perform Thursday, November 2, through Sunday, November 5. The show will be performed in the black box! 

See Mrs.Hoffman if you want to join stage crew for “Save Hamlet.”

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