Protective Services

Written by Ty Lounsbury ​Determination, hard work, and a desire to help are all necessities for those who want to join the Protective Services CTE. Whether your interest is in police work, firefighting, or working as a paramedic, this program has it all. From learning how correctly to handcuff someone to being taught how to operate a fire truck, these students are kept busy. The supervisors, Mr. Lofberg and…

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Aviation CTE

By: Sadie Zagwoski As students at Wallenpaupack, we have a lot of opportunities within the numerous Career and Technical Educational (CTE) programs. Our CTE students graduate and have confidence in their future and proper preparation to further their studies or join the workforce. Among the programs is the renowned Aviation CTE, otherwise known as WASA…

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Allied Health CTE

Written by Ty Lounsbury There is something for every student at Wallenpaupack. For people interested in goinginto the medical field, the Allied Health CTE is a great opportunity, because Allied Healthteaches students medical skills, technical terms, and much more. As a student in this CTEprogram, many doorways are opened as you get certifications, job shadows,…

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Wallenpaupack’s Annual Engineering Competition

Written by Lily Struble On Friday, October 27, Wallenpaupack Area High School held its second annual engineering competition. Two teams of five students from Wallenpaupack, Western Wayne, North Pocono, Lakeland, and Abington Heights competed for the grand prize.  The day began with an Introduction in the auditorium, where general rules were discussed, and the judges were introduced. The competition was judged by Vincent Griffin (E.D Pons & Associates), Mitchell Jacobs…

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Culinary CTE

By: Ty Lounsbury             Welcome back to the CTE series! This week’s piece is about the very impressive culinary CTE program that is offered at Wallenpaupack. It started in the fall of 2016. Although it did exist before 2016, it wasn’t a CTE at the time; it was part of a home economics class. Since then,…

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World of Wonders Program

By: Ty Lounsbury Wallenpaupack has a lot of amazing programs at our school; one of which is the Childcare CTE program that is supervised by Mrs. Geisheimer and Mrs. Rowe. This program has many ways to benefit people going into the childcare pathway, and more specifically, it focuses on working with young children. One of…

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Creating Educational Pipelines

Written by Lily Struble On Tuesday, September 19, State Representative Joseph Adams (R-Pike/Wayne) hosted a hearing titled “Creating Educational Pipelines to Prosperity.” Our superintendent, Mr. Keith Gunuskey, Mrs. Mary Beth Wood (the executive director of Wayne Economic Development Corporation), and Dr. Joann Hudak (chairperson of the board for the Wayne Pike Workforce Alliance) all testified to the importance of building a Career Technical Center (CTC), aka a “VoTech”…

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